Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being OIC For 3 Days!

Officer In Charge Definition:
The `Officer in Charge` has authority or responsibility over a Group of people. Often abbreviated to OIC or OC. Usually in a military, fire service or police setting.
Found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_in_

Okay, so my supervisor left the MCMSS Team to me for 3 days - so now what? I dunno, just kinda glad that I'm in charge - even if it's just on paper! Here in the office, we call it a "HOLIDAY" when chiefs & bosses aren't around - may it be for trainings, seminars or whatever. We get to relax a bit when doing work 'coz you can take your mind off from having someone breathing down your neck asking for accomplishments & other deliverables. Oh well, at least even just for 3 days we can work freely & peacefully. Hopefully no issues arise while I'm the lead or else, I'll be dead meat!

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