Just got my very first SLR from camera haven Quiapo with the help of whatever I've earned from e-loading to friends and office buds as I'm too "kuripot" to use my savings to get one. I've decided to go slr since I'm no longer satisfied with some of the shots I'm getting with my powershot, most especially after laying my hands and trying out other types of lenses. The shots were bright and crisp plus there's no shutter lag! I had my mind fixed on getting either the Canon 1000D or 450D but to my dismay, they're all out of stock.Do you call it bad luck when you're decided on something,got the money for it, set a schedule for it then you go to the stores & learn they're all out of stock, plus you'll be counting weeks before the next batch arrives? I dunno. So as not to waste being there, I got instead the cheapest, most basic yet most recent unit from Nikon which was the D3000 body + kit lens(really really kuripot). You might be saying I should've gotten something better - yeah but considering the limited budget & me being totally new to this, it should be fine for now. I'll consider getting a new camera body when 1.I can produce very very good shots, 2.when people are paying me for photos & 3.when I have the "moolah" for it. For the mean time, I'll enjoy my new camera. I'm so excited ,I even sleep with it. Ha ha...adik.
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