Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Internet & Mobile Phones Played Big Roles In Last Weekend's Typhoon

In the midst of the weekend storm, mobile communications and the internet played big roles in keeping people informed - and they proved vital in saving lives. In Saturday's flooding, SMS messages were sent by people either to cry out for help or send information on where to conduct rescue,retrieval and evacuation operations. Social networking sites Facebook and Twitter were also used. Such was the case for some celebrities who either sent SMS or uploaded their pictures and videos to inform people of their plight. Others staying safe in their homes used Google Maps to mark areas severely affected by floods and in need of rescue operations or evacuation. YouTube and other media sites also had video uploads to show how much destruction was unleashed in such a short time. Technology and tech-savvy individuals indeed played big this time and if not for them, the situation we have now would most probably be far worse.

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