Mafia Wars is one of the built-in games from popular social networking site - Facebook. You can play it while updating stuff probably on your social networking accounts,surfing, blogging or simply attending to other web activities. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started. When players create characters, they start from the bottom and work their way up. You’re given the choice of a name and character type (choose character attributes from: Maniac – energy, Mogul – money and Fearless – health). My personal choice was Maniac since I was fairly new to the game (18 hours to be exact) and wanted to level up quickly just to catch up with my friends. Your control panel show tabs wherein you can choose to do jobs, instigate fights, get property and check your inventory of accumulated weapons. You’re given “Godfather” points starting out but don’t spend them right away, as you might need them later on for more important items.
Do jobs and concentrate on earning money to buy property. Acquiring and expanding property is the best way to earn ever-reliable cash quickly and steadily as they generate recurring income to finance your activities. Mafia members are essential for doing jobs and fighting other families so when starting out, don't build a big mafia since its important for players to be able to dress up all your members with the best weapons, protection & vehicles.
Winning the game are simply stats-based; the the more you have, the better. Despite slow page updates and hang-ups, playing it can keep you occupied and entertained.